Healing Experiences
The type of work I do on my property which I would like to integrate my healing into is taking care of all my animals (goats, chickens and two dogs), planting and growing my vegetables, maintaining all the fruit and other trees and maintaining the land on my property (I have ten acres which is divided into a few paddocks so the goats have different areas to graze). In regard to plants, I would like to do healing to strengthen them and make them more resistant to disease and pests.
Specifically for the goats … I would also like to do some healing when they develop scours or if they have an injury. In general I would like to do healing on all the animals as they need it.
I have been practicing distant healing on the goats, on a family member and the veggie garden. I just imagine my goat in front of me and then when I have the strong feeling in my hands, I place them over the image of my goat before me. Sometimes I do not have a very clear image of the subject I m giving healing to, but I find that my intention is quite clear.
I also find at times, that the size of what I am healing is distorted. For example, I can imagine a whole veggie patch which can be several meters long and be able to place my hand over the entire area. Also, I can imagine a couple of goats together and give them both healing together.
This is an amazing practice and I have had the feeling of just performing the whole healing with my imagination. And as my intention becomes clearer and stronger, I have also had the feeling that just the intention itself is sufficient for a healing. But I am still in the very early stage of learning to heal and growing in my Shuichuan practice.
Loving unattachment has been a bit difficult, but I persevere with the healing practice as it still helps me develop my intention and inner feeling.
Just the other day one of my goats gave birth to twins. The first kid was an easy birth, but the second one was extremely hard for her so I gave her constant healing throughout and I found that she got through it and recovered very quickly. Mum and the two kids (girl and boy) are doing very well.
George H, Australia