Shuichuan Legacy

Shuichuan is based on an ancient pathway followed by Sages and everyday folk alike, a state of Presence meaning that life is conducted without the effort of the mind and the emotions that arise from thought as well as the will or wanting. Some will know this as “being in the flow”, a quality of Being familiar to performing artists or artisan craftspeople, for example.

Being fully present in every moment and living life with an Open Heart and Loving Intention balances the energy within and flows into wherever we happen to be and whatever we are engaged in. In this way, we are able to make a difference in our modern world where sometimes we can feel so helpless.

The health-giving movement of energy through regularly practising the Qigong Free Exercise promotes the blossoming of Inner Life (the way we work through things), awareness of our own intuitive sense and wisdom, as well as the development of skills to know what is right for us (or not) through the body’s subtle vibrations. We call this knowledge Inner Feeling and being aware of our Inner state means that decisions can be made more easily.

This practice fits easily into everyday situations. It includes a physical Exercise unique to each individual as well as life skills that over time – as we continue to remember and use them – become completely natural. These skills have applications in health, business, relationships and everyday situations.

Shuichuan is a way of noticing and becoming more aware; a way of caring, of growing and becoming truly human.

Leah Voysey


Anything which Begins must

Begin at the beginning

Therefore the truthful teacher

Of an art

Teaches those who begin and

Those who come always come

At the Beginning.

John Freear

Bridge in the forest

Soul Journey – Poetry by John Freear


The Ripple Effect