Life has a
Natural Flow

Shuichuan Zi Ran Qigong
Natural Qigong


We live in a field of Qi or life energy, but like a fish in water or a bird in flight, we are unaware of the medium that supports us. Qigong means working with Qi. It is the ancient Chinese art and natural science of becoming aware of this life energy, of learning how to flow with it and use it. 

Practising Qigong (pronounced Chi Kung) is like stepping into a river of Qi – it is a Portal to Presence. When we are able to live fully in each moment, life becomes easier and more harmonious.

Shuichuan (pronounced Shoo-ee-chew-an) means “Sleeping River”. It is a Spiritual practice as well as a pathway that provides unique life skills with applications in health, business, relationships and everyday situations.

“Tao in the world is like a river
flowing home to the sea.”

Lao Tsu


The ability to be in a peaceful and balanced state as you perform everyday tasks. Discover who you truly are.


Your own unique physical exercise that you can practise every day.

Inner feeling.

Reconnect with your body’s
innate wisdom.

Quiet Mind.

The mind naturally becomes quiet without any effort. At the same time breathing deepens, the body relaxes and health and wellbeing are promoted.


Feel more balanced, grounded and centered. Emotions become quieter and less troublesome to deal with.

Decision Making.

As the mind embraces the quiet Inner space, decision-making becomes a clearer process.


Discover how it feels to be fully present and experience the positive effects in everyday life.


Connect with your innate healing ability that can be used for yourself and others as well as animals, plants and places.

Find peace with Shuichuan Qigong. Person meditating by lake.

“What Shuichuan helped me the most with is my attitude and acceptance towards my situation and practice, and for that I will forever be grateful.”

Vincent B, Belgium

Our Blog


Newsletter Archive

The Shuichuan Newsletter Archive is a valuable resource available for current and past students. Please contact us if you haven’t already received the password.

The Archive contains teaching articles written by our Founder, John Peter Freear, as well as current teachers.
They may also include Qigong poetry and artwork. Students are always welcome to share their experiences and these may appear from time to time.

Shuichuan Qigong Exercises are often included with the articles. They serve as reminders of how Qigong skills can be used to help for greater harmony in everyday life situations and to enhance understanding.

The list of topics will continue to grow and provides a good opportunity to feel about what you would like to read or perhaps allow your Qigong to choose for you.

Would you like to find out more?